Welcome to Carson's World! - Dirt Rider Magazine

Motocross is the center of my life, and I love it! I do a lot with dirt bikes; I ride, race, build, fix, draw, watch, dream, and learn something new about them everyday. I even got in trouble at school for writing all of my papers on dirt bikes...it was worth it!

Here is the starting gate and the first turn on my track. This is the 450 class. You can see my farm and announcing tower in the background.

One day I needed something to do while my dad was restoring a car and his old XR75's. My dad gave me a corner of the family shop and told me I could do anything I want with it. I instantly knew what I wanted to do! I asked him to nail a half piece of plywood to the wall so I could make a model of a dirt bike track. I started shaping one out of paper mache with chicken wire underneath, but kids would come over and play rough with it and it would crack and bend. So I used stronger stuff like wood blocks, cardboard and bondo. As I finished the first track, I started adding new sections because it was so much fun. The project grew and grew until I wound up with a double-decker race track with a club house on top. The race track includes sections for Mini Moto, Endurocross, Supercross, Erzburg, freestyle, sand dunes, snow, foam pit, mud, etc. It also has bleachers, podium, snack bar, restroom, parking lot, repair shop, security and even a farm and waterfall. This is what you get when your dad's restoration projects wind up being 500 hours long. I wound up using 6 sheets of plywood, 25 gallons of bondo, 40+ cans of spray paint, 5 gallons of house paint and several buckets of sand and dirt. I had to do a lot of work to help pay for it all. How could you not have fun with all of this stuff? Now that it's done, everybody calls it "Carson's World", I guess because I spend so much time with it.

This is the middle of the track with the over/under jump. You can see the foam pit and crane used to pull the bikes out with.
Here are some races that I've staged. Tedesco is doing a big whip in the background. Pastrana is jumping over the BBR banner and looking for a place to do his back flip.
Rider #172 is doing a big face plant. My dad says it looks like a race scene from Langtown a few years back.
This is a close up of the over/under jump. I like to custom paint the riders and bikes to look like me and my friends.
Here is the podium. I stole some of my sisters Polly Pockets for this scene.
This guy crashed and got a bar stuck right in his junk...gotta make it realistic! The chest protector makes it all good.
Ricky is coming in for the win, just like in real life.
Travis is wide open right here. Notice his throttle hand is held wide open.
A rhythm section and waterfall. My sister Jennifer helped me paint the waterfall.
When I ran out of room, I built a second story below the track. It has a parking lot, kids mud race and workshop. It's never ending!
To top it all off, I built a moto club house for when my buddies come to hang out and ride.
I ride almost every single day of my life. There are a few of my bikes, DRZ70, TTR110 and BBR MM12P.
I'm the happiest when I'm covered in dirt and mud...just like my dad.